Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Zohe Blue turns 1....

Well, one year ago, 
I was sitting down, starting my first day of school, writing my entry bio on line ~ laboring as I was...I decided to take the boys out for a family bike ride down the the night progressed, so did my contractions...soon enough the contractions were less than 1 and half then, I was in the shower, laboring, and then singing my boys to sleep with a song ..interrupted as it was though, with mommies moaning..., 

My  husband then decided,  that it was long over due ( not my due date though, only  15 minutes off with Zohe )  and time for me to go to the hospital.....dragging me out of the house and speeding me to San Luis Obispo, Zohe Blue was then born 45 minutes later...and boy, oh boy, if she wasn't the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, my first girl, a newborn beauty ~ 
So here we are today, her first birthday ~  
our little Zohe' Blue Marley.....
we love you Zohe' Blue...
Happy First Year From Birth.........
we love you sweetie...xoxoxoxoxoxoo
Sweeter than her Vegan Cupcake !!!

1 comment:

Spencer Marley said...

Happy Birthday my love....we love you big and are so very proud of you !!